The 6 ways I add value to your vacation… ranked

#6 - Savings

Sometimes the value I offer can be quantified. By “packaging” your trip, sourcing it from multiple sellers, and adding perks like resort credits and breakfast, I add measurable value to your vacation.


#5 - Price Match

The $199 ad that you saw for a week in St Thomas is fake. But the quote on your next vacation that is $200 less than mine may not be. Thanks to great supplier partners, 99% of the time I can match the lower price.


#4 - Advocacy

Things do occasionally go wrong. When they do, a well connected Travel Advisor, available and authorized to help fix them, is absolutely invaluable.


#3 - Recognition

You can’t VIP yourself, but I can. My suppliers are delighted to welcome you and ensure an incredible vacation. Why? The success of your vacation not only drives your return, it drives rather I send clients there in the future.


#2 - Experience

I’ve planned and booked hundreds of successful vacations to destinations around the globe. I know the best times to visit, the rooms to request, and tiniest little add on that will make the biggest difference in the quality of your trip.


#1 - Partnerships

Supplier relationships are the “secret sauce” of travel. I’ve developed and have active relationships with representatives of the resorts and lines that transport and host my clients, ensuring the very best experiences for you.

At the end of the day this is the bottom line, the big win you get with a good travel advisor. They know more than you do, they are better connected, they have access to benefits you can’t get yourself, and they can match and often beat any prices you find. They plan a better trip and then provide a safety net. Having a top travel agent can make you an instant VIP, certainly will save you time and hassle, and quite possibly money.

— Larry Omstead - Travel Journalist and Author

Great vacations don’t just happen, I build them. Are you ready to claim yours?